So you may have noticed some changes around here, or not.
We don’t blame you, it’s not like you just broke our hearts . . . . . . . ah we only jest.
It would take a tsunami of terror to wipe the smile off our odd little faces as we proudly introduce to you our new generation of Odd Box photo booth’s and in this case the Original Booth.
A completely fresh take on the previous generation, the “Open Air Booth”. We took over a years worth of time and feedback from the experiences of our first generation of Odd Box’s throughout Scotland and designed an entirely new range of Odd Box booths.
Featuring a similar initial look and feel as the older Open Air Booth, the Original Booth is the clear successor with clean cut, curved edges topped off with a subtle laser engraving this is a perfect addition to provide entertainment and a talking point that looks great in any venue or location.
The Original Booth has all of the benefits of the new generation including a sleeker profile and design perfect for small spaces and allowing for set up within 30 minutes. Print times seem even faster than instant (who’d have thought it was possible) not to mention the creme de la creme, our Odd Box beauty ring lighting.
While the Whisky Barrel Booth is chock full of character and ideal for a vintage wedding, the Original Booth would look fantastic in a more contemporary or art deco venue.
We will always have a place in our hearts for our first photo booths, they taught us a heap and created some truly special moments that have changed our lives and others forever.
You all spoke, and we heard you loud and clear. If you thought last year was awesome, we’re only getting started and who knows what the future holds, love to all of you odd people.