So there’s a big ball coming up, for a rather big University and their theme is everything Fairytales. Well lets use the word “every” lightly, you see we decided to do a little digging ourselves to familiarise our self with the variety of Fairytales we used to hear as your mum tucked you to bed or you were read by your teacher in school. Other than that our only recollection of Fairytales were in Disney films or other animated type films.
Maybe it’s our generation but we remember these being tales such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Aladdin, Pinocchio and the Little Mermaid to name a few. But oh no, it doesn’t stop there, there’s a lot more and it gets a lot weirder. We certainly do not remember hearing about The boy who Drew Cats, or perhaps you were told the tail of the Bushy Bride, and who knew it but it turns out Gertrude had a bird, well not really but technically! We couldn’t leave out the husband of the rats daughter, that one puts us right to sleep.
We definitely had a little giggle to ourselves when we saw a few of these, the little child that is still in us all. Nonetheless the client asked for some slightly less strange Fairytale props such as witches hats, red apples, wings, wands, capes etc. Part of the photo booth experience is the quality and variety of props provided which is why we provide all props free with every photo booth hire, it really is half the fun and we love to provide props for specific themes. Our props stock is overflowing but that’s always a good thing, always.
Anyway we thought we would share with you some of the hilarity we enjoyed while looking for some new props for the upcoming Fairtyale themed ball, we can not wait to share the images with all of you lovely people, it may just leave you with a smile. If you want to learn a new thing or two and have a little giggle as well you can find a whole list of weird and interesting Fairytales you couldn’t ever imagine right here.
We would love to hear about your favourite Fairytales, which ones do you remember the most from you childhood? Comment below we would love to see the variety of tales and folklore you have heard.